Photos of a photo shoot

When I got up this morning I saw that a sailboat was on the dock next to ours and there were lots of people, dock carts, and other stuff all on the boat and dock. Rich noticed that it looked like someone was doing makeup on a woman in the cockpit, so we decided it was a photo shoot of some sort. A friend stopped by a little later and said he had wandered over and found out it was a Ralph Lauren photo shoot. How cool was that!

They eventually left the dock, motored around in front of our boat, came back to the dock, took more photos, them went out a short way into Gulf waters. They finally finished after 5. We wonder how many of the photos will ever be used.

2 thoughts on “Photos of a photo shoot

  1. Now I am waiting to see you and your boat in Vanity Fair magazine. You are definitely in the company of interesting people.

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