Of course it rained today

Just as Pigpen always had a cloud of dust around him, we seem to always have a cloud of rain around us. In the last 24 hrs we have had over 2”of rain. And it’s supposed to rain all day tomorrow. Is there a drought somewhere where we should go and bring them rain?

Rain pouring off the gutters at the yacht club while we waited for Enterprise to pick us up.

We drove down to Clearwater Beach but it was raining the whole time so no pictures – is this really the Sunshine State???

We were driving on Nebraska Avenue and this was the cross street. I wonder who settled this area?
Yesterday as we were going to our slip at the yacht club, we passed this shrimp boat. We discovered that it belongs to a local restaurant and is used to bring shrimp to it. So tonight we had dinner at that restaurant and I of course had to have shrimp from the Julie Ann.
1/2 lb of steamed shrimp ( I had already eaten 2 before I thought to take a photo) and they were so much better than what we get in the Midwest!

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