Home sweet home

Monday morning we got a call that our boat was ready to go back into the water later in the morning. So off to the boatyard we went, to check on the new rudder before it went in. We discovered that a special protective coating that was supposed to have been put on the props had not been done. The prop guy said to go ahead and launch and he would dive the boat the next day, remove the props, get them coated, and put back on Thursday. We had hired a captain to do a sea trial with us, because he had noticed water in the bilge when he brought the boat over to the boatyard. We wanted him to look for water coming in as we motored around for a while – water on the inside of a boat is never a good thing! He arrived and the travel lift moved our boat to the well and lowered it into the water. I must admit, it’s a bit scary to watch your home being moved and lowered into the water.

My video was too big to insert so here’s a screen shot of the boat as they were getting ready to lower it.

We were out for about half an hour and no sign of water coming in, so we went back to the marina and got settled into a slip. We discovered after tying up that our generator was not working – if it’s not one thing, it’s another. The guys who installed the new rudder had to work in the compartment where the generator is, so they were contacted. They came out yesterday and decided there’s a broken wire somewhere so they’ll be back Thursday to fix that. Fortunately we have shore power here but we’ll need the generator when we need to anchor out overnight as we head north.

We unloaded all the stuff that had been in the car and finally headed back to the hotel for one last night there. We celebrated finally getting the boat back in by having King of the Jungle rolls at one of our favorite restaurants.

I posted a picture of this roll previously – it’s a lion fish.

Yesterday we got everything that we had in the hotel onto the boat and then the unpacking began. Where to put all of the “stuff”we brought back??? By this afternoon I had found places for all of it!

Last night we had dinner at Sunset Grill. The weather was perfect, the live entertainment was very good, the sunset was gorgeous.

We even got to watch Jeopardy while we ate!

Tomorrow we’ll get the props put back on, the generator will hopefully be fixed, we’ll do some provisioning and laundry, and return the rental car. And then it will be off to Key Largo on Friday.

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