Fun with friends

Our friends from Lafayette who spent a few days with us on the boat in October are spending February in Marco Island FL. They drove down Sunday to spend a couple of nights with us, so Rich and I spent Sunday morning cleaning up the boat. Unfortunately what should have been a three and a half hour drive for them turned into a 7 hour drive because of a bad accident that forced them to turn around and take another route. They got here just in time for us to head to the Sunset Grille for happy hour and a beautiful sunset!

Sunset Grille is right by the 7 mile bridge, which you can just see the start of it on the right hand side. The pool is part of the restaurant! There were several kids in it when we first got there. And since it was Super Bowl Sunday they had a big screen set up so you could see the game if you were sitting outside. The water on this side of the bridge is the Straits of Florida – the Gulf of Mexico is on the other side.

Monday morning we woke to find it had rained overnight and was gray and windy. We went to the Stuffed Pig for breakfast and once again walked away stuffed! It looked like it might stay gray for a while so we decided to take a drive to the beach. I know most people go to the beach when it’s sunny, but even on a cloudy day a walk on the beach beats a cold snowy day in Indiana. The sun kept trying to come out – I was wearing a scoop neck shirt and managed to get a sunburn on my neck and upper chest. Will I ever learn that I can burn on a cloudy day?

This looks like an ad for sunglasses 😊
Sombrero Beach – the only public beach around here. It’s hard to believe I got so sunburned with such a gray sky.

By the time we got back to the marina the wind had died down and the sun was really beginning to shine, so we decided to spend time at the pool. The water was really warm and because it’s a salt water pool Rhonda and I were able to float very easily in our noodle chairs for a long time. We had prune hands by the time we got out!

Being in the pool made us hungry and thirsty, so Rick and I grabbed seats at the bar for all of us while Rich and Rhonda went back to the boat to get into dry clothes. It was happy hour at the bar so while I went back to get into dry clothes they ordered food and drinks – food arrived just as I got back – perfect timing! It was almost sunset when we finished – another sunset in paradise!

Rick and Rhonda just bought a boat so they can do the loop, so we spent a lot of time talking about boats and our experiences thus far. Rick is getting ready to retire in the next year or so – Rhonda says he has “senioritis” because he’s spending more and more time looking at boating websites and less time thinking about work. I should remind her it’s good to have something to look forward to in retirement!

We had breakfast at an out of the way place this morning before they left. I’m sure they wondered where we were taking them as we drove down a narrow street with trailers and houses on both sides still in disrepair after Hurricane Michael. The front of the restaurant looks really run down, but the inside is classic mom and pop restaurant/bar. Our “server” has lived in Marathon for 35 years, but still has her Rhode Island accent and a voice that could be heard several tables away. She is an old-time waitress – none of the “hi, my name is Susie and I’ll be taking care of you today” – just what can I get you to drink while you look over the menu. And the food is fantastic!

This boat pulled in today. We’ve never seen such a luxurious fishing boat! And the tower is one of the tallest I’ve seen – I can’t imagine climbing to the top of it.
Another beautiful sunset

3 thoughts on “Fun with friends

  1. Life looks good . Just backfrom CA snd already missing the ocean views and sunshine and gorgeous sunsets. We understand how addictive the water is . No boat to deal with. Just normal stuff that the landlord handles.
    Yet we can’t stay on the water indefinitely like you CA. Going to be there at least 8 weeks next year ipfrom6 this year. I’be been in touch withSutumn McCombs and she’s thrilled for.both of us in our retirement. Says hello… Glad you get back in March. Don’t suppose you’ll be in Lafayette? Cheers!

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