Boats and more boats

We’ve been having a lot of maintenance on the boat done in the last few days. It was time for an oil change, which led to other engine maintenance, which led to flushing out various systems with Barnacle Buster, which led to numerous trips to West Marine and Napa Auto (which stocks marine parts as well – who knew?!). The guy doing the work is great and has made a point of explaining and showing everything to Rich, but poor Rich has been run ragged getting parts and trying to keep up with everything Sean has been doing. Hopefully the work will be done tomorrow and I can put everything back in place inside. We’ve gone out for dinner the last two nights because all the stuff Rich stores in the engine room is scattered all over – there literally was no way to get to the galley tonight – it was definitely a bad night for cooking!

I’ve spent most of my days while this work is being done either on the fly bridge or by the pool. While on the fly bridge I’ve seen a variety of boats and activity at the marina.

This boat came into the slip next to us after dark Monday night. We think there was a delivery crew on it, but didn’t get a chance to talk to them. It was flying a BVI flag – we wondered if they were going to take it back there.
Today a US Customs and Border Patrol boat circled around the marina, then backed into an empty slip just down from us. Someone from another slip offered to catch a line for them, but they said they weren’t tying up, just practicing backing into a slip. It looked like a new guy was being taught how to run the boat. They backed in about ten times, then practiced pulling up to the fuel dock.
We’ve decided that this boat must be an Airbnb on water, because there’s a constant stream of people getting on and off with luggage. Today it looks like a family with several teenage girls – if you look closely, you can see them sunbathing on the very top of the boat.
This was my view by the pool today.
This small island is in front of our boat. We were told it was a private island. Today our mechanic said it’s owned by the Coast Guard, and officers can use it for vacations. It’s hard to see the house in this photo, but it’s huge and when you look at satellite views of the island it has a small sandy beach, a pool, and a tennis court. As taxpayers we pay for the Coast Guard, so shouldn’t we get to use the island too?

We tried to have dinner at the Sunset Grill tonight, but the wait for a table was at least 45 minutes, so we ended up back at the bar at the marina. I did manage to get some great sunset shots at Sunset Grill.

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