Another definition of boat

Among boaters there is another definition of “boat” – Break Out Another Thousand. When talking about how much major expenses are, fellow boaters will often discuss how many “boat units” it cost, as in “I heard it cost him 10 boat units to replace his transmission” ($10,000).

As yet more things have been added to the list of things to be checked out on the boat, I wonder how many boat units our bill will be. As the mechanic checked out our after coolers yesterday, he found some other things that needed to be replaced. So now the earliest we will be leaving here is Wednesday. It’s a good thing we don’t have a schedule to follow!

Yesterday was another rainy, cold day. Rich spent the day watching everything the mechanic did so he could understand how everything works -and I tried to stay out of the way. I bought some yarn at Walmart the day before to knit a scarf (have I mentioned it’s cold here), so I worked on that for a while. Later in the afternoon I walked down to the marina office to pay for more nights and watched as another Meridian 459 pulled in – there aren’t a lot of them out there so to see a sister boat is unusual. We swapped boat cards and I learned they’re leaving their boat here for a month. We saw them at the restaurant last night and had a long conversation about our boats – I’m sure there will be more conversations with them in the next few days.

2 thoughts on “Another definition of boat

  1. Maggs….am really enjoy reading your blog and following your adventures! Not sure if I’ve given your the dates Wilk and I will be in FL this winter…we have the condo in Sarasota ( Longboat Key) from Jan 12-26 and then will be in St Augustine from Feb 20-27 for a granddaughter’s wedding. I do hope we’re able to meet up.

    Going to a Halloween costume party tonight at Bill and Judy’s house…it’s always a fun evening…
    Kirsten and Shon will be leaving Venezuela for good in Jan and be in the states for a few months while he goes to language school to learn Portuguese…their next State Dept assignment will be in Lisbon so we’ll be making a plan to go visit next year sometime.

    Hi to Rich for us….will keep in touch~

    • I’m glad you’re enjoying the blog!
      We’ll be in Marathon, (Florida Keys) from sometime in December until March 1. I checked mileage and it’s 325 miles from Sarasota to Marathon,so it will mean a road trip for one of us if we want to meet up. I don’t know how much time you have for travel or if you have ever been to the Keys if you wanted to drive down and spend a few days on the boat. How many bedrooms does your a condo have if we drove north? Our boat has two cabins, two heads, and plenty of room for two couples. Let us know what your thoughts are for meeting up in January.

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