A quiet day

Today was a quiet day on the boat. We were able to get someone from a local boatyard to come over and look at the bottom of our dinghy to see if it’s repairable. When it came off the lift Tuesday a support bar on the lift punched a hole in the fiberglass bottom. It’s a double-hulled dinghy so it still floats, but water fills the space between the two hulls – not good. Now we’re waiting to get an estimate for time and cost to repair.

We had to cancel our slip reservation in Chicago, but luckily for us they refunded the full prepaid fee. And Rich purchased ticket insurance for the tickets to Hamilton so we will be able to get the money back for those tickets. Maybe we’ll be able to spend a couple of days in Chicago next week and get same day tickets. We were really looking forward to seeing Hamilton – everyone who has seen it says we will love it.

It rained on and off all day so we stayed on the boat – no photos except for a beautiful sunset.

One thought on “A quiet day

  1. So sorry about Chicago…especially seeing Hamilton! Soon I hope! I hope your repairs are quick and minor…you’ll get all of these annoyances out of the way and sail into a gorgeous sunset like the one you captured 😍😍. Thanks for keeping us posted!

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