We’re not in the Keys anymore

We had originally planned to finally leave Marathon last Friday and go to Key Largo. But there were no slips available there so we decided to go all the way to Miami Beach. It was an 8 hour trip, going on the outside instead of inside on the Intracoastal Waterway, with choppy water at the beginning, then fairly flat waters for many miles, and finally choppy, rolling waters for the last 10-12 miles. The last part was really uncomfortable, with several doors and drawers popping open down below. At least nothing spilled or was broken.

One last sunset in Marathon
One last look at the Seven Mile Bridge as we left Friday morning
Coming through Government Cut into Miami Beach
Now that’s a yacht!
Once we were docked we realized we were starving. Fortunately the marina was right next to an area with lots of restaurants so we had a fantastic pizza and a beer.
Lizards are everywhere!

Saturday morning we got on a trolley (they’re free!) that we thought would take us to South Beach, but instead it took us closer to the Holocaust Memorial, so we spent an hour there, then walked back to the boat.

This is what you see from the street. There’s a pool with beautiful water lilies in front of this wall.
When you walk around the pool you come to a covered walkway that leads to the back side of the sculpture. The walls are covered with stone tablets which have engraved names of individuals and families who died in concentration camps. There were approximately 100 of these in two different places with 200-250 names on each. We assume with a donation you could have names added because there were several at the end that were blank.
This was at the beginning of a series of stones with background on the camps and pictures.
The stone was so reflective that it was difficult to get pictures of them.
Poem by Hirsh Glick , written in the Vilnius ghetto, the song became the anthem of the underground resistance movement. Later it spread to the other ghettos and camps.

Today we worked on cleaning up the boat, paying bills, and relaxing. We had planned to go to a nearby Tequila restaurant and bar to celebrate Cinco de Mayo, but it started raining as we were getting ready to leave and poured for the next two hours. So it was Mac and cheese and green beans for dinner on the boat.

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