A very long day

We had decided yesterday that we needed to pump out our holding tank (for non-boaters, think 55 gallon storage tank for everything that comes through the toilets -not a pretty thought-and a really shitty job for the dock hand who runs the pump), so at 9:30 this morning we headed over to the fuel dock where pump out is located. Fortunately there were no other boats there so it was quick and easy. Trying to get back into our slip wasn’t so easy. The wind and current were working against us so it took some maneuvering and a helping hand from a friend a few slips over to get us tied up – thank you Claire!

When we hooked up shore power again we discovered the A/C was shutting down. The rest of the morning was spent trying to figure out what was wrong. Fortunately once Rich cleaned out strainers and blew gunk out of the hoses it started working again.

And then the rain started. It poured buckets and buckets and more buckets – and then we discovered a leak above the settee. Water coming inside a boat is not a good thing. And it wasn’t even noon yet! We were afraid to think of what the rest of the day was going to be like.

The lower window on the left is where the leak was.

Luckily the rest of the day turned out to be much better. The rain stopped so no more leaks, the sun came out, and our daughter Elizabeth and grandkids Izzy and Alex arrived to spend the weekend with us.

After 5 hours in the car, the kids were ready to run off some energy, so I took them to the marina playground. Next to the playground was a giant sailboat that had raced in this year’s Chicago to Mackinac race. Izzy is 5’2”, so you can get a good idea of how big this boat is.

Then it was time for the weekly Saturday Z dock happy hour. We were surprised to find they had a cake for us! We had no idea that Z dock was so friendly and welcoming when we selected a slip on it last winter, but we feel very lucky to have become a part of it. Thank you to all the Z dockers out there for making our summer so much fun!

Elizabeth and her kids have a tradition that whenever they’re in Michigan they have to have ice cream every night. So after dinner it was off to Captain Sundae.

a Tommy Turtle Sunday for Elizabeth

mint chocolate chip for Alex

And candy play dough for Izzy ( blue moon ice cream with bits of red, yellow, and green cookie dough)

By 9:30 we were all ready to call it a night!


One thought on “A very long day

  1. How sweet to have the babes with you! I’m so sorry the weather has been so frustrating! Our birthday is the only day this week that forecasts no rain…ugh…flooding everywhere! Happy Birthday to the Prime Meridian Queen! Looking forward to your birthday pictures and adventures! Safe travels!

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