The End to Part 1

For some reason, which I can’t recall, I quit posting for the last month we were on our boat in 2019. So now it’s time to post about that part of our journey so I can start posting about Part 2!

The weather was finally beginning to cool down so we left Tilghman Island and headed back to St. Michaels. It was so hot our first time there that we didn’t do much exploring then. It seemed like an interesting town – and it was!

This ship looks like the hull is barely in the water!
Hard to read, but it explains how these lighthouses were able to survive tides and storms.
Being a lighthouse keeper wasn’t an easy job.
The remnants of a Maryland crab dinner…
note the flags on the flagpole. I wonder how old the people are who live in that house.
The Four Seasons Hotel is the tall building on the left as seen from our boat. The upper floors are “apartments”.
We had a late lunch at this bar – The Horse You Came In On – which claims to be America’s oldest continuously operated saloon, since 1775.
the Baltimore aquarium
I decided to take a picture of Rich standing behind the megalodon jaw at the aquarium to get some perspective of just how big it is. If it had swallowed him, he would have been just a tiny snack.
From Baltimore we went to Bowley’s Marina in Middle River MD. Unfortunately it was just after Labor Day and the restaurant and pool were closed, there was no courtesy car, and nothing within walking distance. At least we had great sunsets there.
Our last stop before heading back to Annapolis for haul out was Rock Hall MD. The white areas indicate water that’s deep enough for most boats. Blue areas are the places you will most likely be calling for someone to tow you off. Note how there is a large blue area in the middle of the harbor!
We had dinner one night at a nearby restaurant and couldn’t resist taking pictures of these two signs outside the entrance.
one last sunset
I think it would take a BIG lottery check to own this boat, which was anchored just outside St. Michaels.
This is part of an original screw.
and a good shandy to go with it!
From St. Michaels we traveled to a marina in North Beach MD where we stayed for 3 nights. There was a resort connected with the marina so there were restaurants, a pool, and a beach! Rich wasn’t feeling well, so we had a couple of quiet days there.
We then headed to Baltimore where we stayed for 4 nights at the Inner Harbor Marina. The marina was right next door to the Four Seasons Hotel, a short walk to the aquarium, and many good restaurants nearby. We were there over Labor Day weekend and the marina was packed with both seasonal and transient boaters – it was the place to be!
Passing Fort McHenry on the way into Baltimore. ‘Oh say can you see”
Very urban AND industrial
We saw this building as we were walking back from the aquarium – I half expected to see goats munching grass up there on the roof.
There were lots of old things decorating the walls of the bar and hanging from the ceiling. I especially liked the sign in the lower left corner of this picture. 😂

While we were eating lunch at the bar, we met a couple who were on a boat just a few slips down from us. They invited us to go with them to the aquarium the next day. It was just a short walk away and we had heard it was something we shouldn’t miss, so we accepted their invitation.

The dolphin show was fun = and we only got a little wet from the dolphins jumping up and splashing.
And we had plenty of food on board so we didn’t have to eat this little fish that found its way into the track that our dinghy slides out on.
Time for haul out. Our boat is to the left of the travel lift, just waiting for the slings to be lowered so she can be turned around and driven up onto the slings and lifted out of the water. I find that too nerve wracking to watch!

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